The Preseason Pointe Cup

February 18 – April 1

The Preseason Cup!

Incentive Details

  • Placing is determined by highest average pointes per rep.
    (Total Team Pointes / Number of Reps at the end of Incentive = Average Pointes per Rep)
  • If minimum Pointes for your team’s rank are not met, value is decremented to the greater value of the next lowest rank or 50% of value.
  • Report pointes to your manager the day you earn them and specify what the Pointes are for
  • Pointes expire if not reported during the week in which they were earned

Ways to Earn Pointes

500  Each new recruit recruited by Manager or Mentor 750 Each new recruit recruited by a Sales Rep
50     Each interview (set by Manager or Mentor)
75     Each interview (set by a Sales Rep)

100    Each rep who is fully caught up on Travel Bonus / Preseason Training content in February
(must include weekly checkin w/ mentor every week)

100    Each rep who is fully caught up on Travel Bonus / Preseason Training content in March
(must include weekly checkin w/ mentor every week)

10       Pointes updated every day per team (only on days where pointes were earned)

50       Send in your Life and Job Vision – written out